Miracle Baby


ONE of the most memorable events and considered to be miraculous achievement of Feast Light Brandon: After a five-year wait, blessing of new life— Baby Jaycee for us!

Before Canada, Jenn and I worked in the same company in Laguna. We barely knew each other– until we were put on the same team. It was 2012 when the relationship started and settled in 2015.

But it was going to be a long-distance relationship. Early on, Jenn applied for work in Canada. After two years of waiting, she received approval of her application—in 2015, the same year we got engaged. So, we decided to move the wedding to the following year. After a year of LDR, we got married on February 23, 2016. And then Jenn flew back to Canada, while I started my own process to get to Canada. It was supposed to be a six-month process but a vague X-ray result extended the process to a year.

Surprisingly, in August 2017, I received a call from Immigration that I had to be in Canada before my medical exam expired. So, by God’s grace, I got my visa in September and came to Canada in October 2017.


Having a baby was tough for us—we had to see a doctor and go through fertility tests and some other tests. Results showed some complications in Jenn’s reproductive system and our doctor advised that we go to a fertility clinic for in vitro fertilization (IVF).We drove three hours to find out that we had only an 11 percent chance to have a baby. With a given high stake of expense and low chance of success, we decided not to go for it– and just keep on trying and hoping our cells would be united.

On a bright day in 2021 — March 8, 2021, to be exact– we were going to our family doctor for our annual medical examination when Jenn said, kind of casually, “I am delayed.”

She was not really excited about it because delayed menstrual periods were usual for Jenn. Besides, she did not feel pregnancy symptoms. Nevertheless, to her routine health exam, our family doctor added a pregnancy test. Jenn almost refused to go through it. But the doctor wanted it done, so, she obeyed. We were told to call about the result after two hours, so we headed home, joking about it all along the way.

Two hours after, Jenn made the phone call. The receptionist at the clinic answered, and the first word she heard was “Congratulations.” Then, a few seconds after, the next word was “Wait.”

So, with bated breath, wait we did. Did they get the result wrong? Then, the voice on the line came back, and Jenn told me: “Verified100 percent: I am pregnant!”


After a long time of Pandemic restrictions, when Quarantine alerts were down enough to safe levels, friends began to come and visit us to meet Baby Jaycee.

At left, first couple to visit: Bro. Melvin and Sis. Rocelyn Chu with Baby Myriam.

Next: Bro. Esrael and Sis. Krystal Lauren, and at extreme right, with Bro. BP Eroisa.

Happy family in Brandon, clockwise, from left: Bro. Junnel, Sis. Jenn, Sis. Sofie, Tita Sonia, and Sis. Clarinda.

Waving balloons with Bro. Melvin and Sis. Rocelyn Chu, themselves blessed with a baby girl.

God’s Way

No, we did not need artificial procedures. It all happened the natural way. Take note:

October 18, I arrived in Canada. March 8, the date we found out Jenn pregnant. November 8, Baby Jaycee was born. And I, at 38, became Dad. WOW!

By the way, Jenn was 41 years old when she gave birth to Jaycee. But if he was born on the expected birth date, it would have been 48 days from Jenn’s birthday.

It’s natural for our friends to storm heaven for this miracle. Thank you, forever, to the International Worship Centre (IWC), Couples for Christ (CFC), Feast Winnipeg, Feast Light Neepawa and Feast Light Brandon, especially our Feast Light head, Bro. Allan Piedra.

And it’s natural for God to answer prayers such as asking for a Miracle Baby.

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